Downtown Parking
915 Madison Ave. Toledo, OH. 43604
The closest locations to park are the meters in front of the salon on Madison Ave. and alongside the building on 10th St.
There are meters on Michigan St. and 11th St.
11th St. meters are along the library and have convenient access and are a quick walk to the salon!​
There are 2 Kwik Park locations on Madison Ave. and Ontario St.
There is another Kwik Park on Adams St and Michigan St.
While the Downtown Library is open, the parking garage can be used for free parking. The Library is across the street from the salon!
Street access to Madison Ave. from the parking garage during library hours!​
Meters only require payment Monday - Friday from 8 am - 6 pm
Meters are available for a two-hour window
It is approximately $1.00 an hour
If you need quarters, we will happily exchange them for dollar bills
Meters can also be paid using the ParkMobile app - this is the easiest option!
ParkMobile App
Using the ParkMobile app, you can pay for parking using your phone
Make sure you have your location turned on while using the app!
Select the meter number (which will be displayed on the actual meter) within the app
The app will have you input parking time and payment
Turn on notifications! The app will notify you when your time is up. You can add more time from your phone while at the salon!
Forget where you parked? ParkMobile remembers the location of your vehicle!